Hello World!
Written on September 3rd , 2019 by Gerard Kirwin“Hello, World!” is often the first introduction many people have to programming. Mine was MySpace. You know how many hours I tried to get a Cap’n Jazz song to play on the special player because it wasn’t uploaded on MySpace?
Setting up my website has felt like that…with a lot less bangs and a bit more CSS. For somebody who sailed easily through the little programming classes I had in my undergrad (the final project was putting together a .gif of satellite data on a website using Python) and is now coasting through the R classes in Data Camp, working on a website is another beast altogether.
It’s like building a house. I have no experience building a house because I am a poor avocado toast-eating Millennial, but follow me for a minute. You have a plan for what you want, you pick a foundation, then you set about building each part, room by room. That’s what building this website has been like. I saw a meme about this—the day you finish all the projects in your house is the day before you die. This website feels like that too!
So welcome to my website, and if you’re reading this far, welcome to my blog! Last time I had a serious blog was about 4 Tumblr owners ago, so it’s been a little while. I plan on using this space to showcase my data science projects and related items along the way. There are social buttons below to share on Twitter and Facebook. If you have other comments, you can find my contact info under “Contact”.